Please do not give the page number in the header or footer. Factually, a millennial teacher is a fresh graduate or who was around 22-35 years old. Stafford and Griffis (2008) state that the millennial generation is the population who were born between the years 1980 until 2000. Millennial are who born in between the years 1980 until 2001 (Kementrian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak, 2018). Today, guidance and counseling have great opportunities in innovating, with many generations of millennials who became the school counselor. School counselors in the 21st century are expected to innovate reciprocal with school improvement, both in helping students achievement, lead the students to overcome obstacles in achieving good results and creating a positive school climate. Innovations that have aimed to let the impact of counseling services really meaningful for the counselee. School counselors in the digital era challenged to work hard, and have a strong commitment to making creativity. The era of disruption demanding each profession must be innovating because changes happen very quickly.

Innovation became a necessity and a challenge for guidance and counseling. Keywords- Digital Literacy, Milllenial, Innovative Programe This is a big challenge of the ease of technology nowadays. If the school counselor is unusual to create content from various information on the internet, it is impossible to be able to create innovative guidance and counseling program, roven by almost all of the respondents downloading the program from the internet. Result found that the overall sample is digital user, and level of digital literacy for majority respondent is communication and collaboration, and several respondents are a content creator. The research was conducted for 45 millennial school counselor, with an age range of 2235 years old, and a minimum working period of 1 year as a sample. The focus of the study is school counselor habits in using the internet related to digital literacy activities, as well as the habits in developing programs. A survey was used to be a research method. This study aims to describe the profile of digital literacy and it's relations to develop innovative guidance programs. Digital literacy is the most important competence to make them able to innovate. School counselor has a great opportunity to innovate, but they lack interest in reading.

Digital LiteracyAnd Inovation For Guidance And Counseling Program Ahmad Rofi Suryahadikusumah Guidance And Counseling Departement University PGRI Palembang Palembang, Indonesia Īisha Nadya Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Sheik-Yusuf Islam University (UNIS) Tangerang, Indonesia